This post fixes the preview only video problem
Here's how...just add...quotations marks after all equal
<OBJECT class="BLOG_video_class" id="BLOG_video-22cf805c62e079d" contentId="22cf805c62e079d" height="280" width="320"></OBJECT>
Well today I set my mind to getting the blogger video to work.... you see below
Thank you. Just what I was looking for to fix my problem. I appreciae it!
Thank you for this fix, it was driving me crazy all afternoon! ;)
Thanks for figuring that out!! I was really getting frustrated!
Do you need special software like Quicktime of Windows Media Player to watch the videos on the blog? Someone I know can't watch the videos on my blog from her computer?
Webfixer is a genius! The "quotes" worked like magic!
Thank You For helping me fix this!
This didn't work for me. Is there another solution?
Disregard above. This answer works.
Thank you, this has been driving me crazy for 3 days!
I've had issues before of uploaded videos previewing fine and then not appearing after publishing.
I could generally correct the problem by reuploading them ... but not this time.
The quotation marks work perfectly, though not around the width and height, an error msg appears if I add those.
Thrilled to run across your post, I've bookmarked your site!
Thank you!!! I have been having problems with this for weeks now, and was getting very frustrated.
Thanks -- worked perfectly.
This did not work for me. Is there another way to get the video to work after I post it?
Nice theory. Except mine already had the quote marks, and I ended up with this error message: Blog Id:21261314
Video Id:975f1837b1a683bf
Any other ideas?
hey rico..
yours is a completely different error...
does yours show in the preview?
I believe yours fails to load period...
hey teresa and rico..
post your video <object> code here
Thanks. You have solved my problem.
I can see my video icon in preview with an arrow indicating play,
but the words "movie not loaded" comes up when I right click and the icon disappears when I left click. My html has all its quotes as you suggest, any idea.
hi webfixer, i've tried your method but can't seem to figure it out where to place my video code. i'm using the embed code from youtube, guessing that's the code you mean right? please give me an example of where i must place the code. is there still the possibility of downloading the video file from your computer? or do i have to use the youtube code?
please let me know
hey mr mojo,
your youtube code would go in a new would be the EMBED CODE...this is an example ...
you could place it in your sidebar in a HTML page element..but usually the sidebar isn't wide enough to hold video
the fix here goes with uploading your video to blogger from the posting editor by clicking the video icon.
if you can preview the video... but after publishing the post with shows only the red x..then this fix will solve that error
hi webfixer, i've having that same error, that's why i'm using the youtube method.
i don't understand your explanation theory about the quotations marks after all equal signs...
how do i post the video object code, could you please show me an example of how to do this?
instead of youtube i really want to use the blogger player.
I had videos working properly and yesterday stopped to work, all of them, together with the new posted.
My video code has the quotations marks after the equal signs and not working yet.
Any idea??
Many thanks for your help
I am having the same problem. Yesterday all my videos were working including ones already posted and now today they will not work.
Please help
see if this helps....
still need help give me a shout
hey webfixer
problem solved!
you're doing a great job helping us.
hey, I've wanted to add video to my post, but the video icon is missing...I only can spell check and add a photo to my post. Any ideas how to fix this?
I am unable to view "blogger" video's on my computer shows a black blogger box that says "buffering"...but the video never loads. Any suggestions? I am able to view youtube videos that have been embedded just fine.
Hi there. Can you tell me, should my video's HMTL Code always have Content ID attached to it? This problem has been driving me nuts for ages! I successfully downloaded a video this morning (first one for months!) and, idiot that I am, did not save it. Subsequent efforts to download the same video have failed
Dave Edney,
Yes the video <object> code should have
CONTENT ID as my video code has above.
You say you are having a hard time uploading your videos?
How big are they and what file format are they?
Hi there
I have tried downloading my videos in a number of formats. MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV. The size of the video that I am currently trying to upload is 7.00MB. As I have mentioned, this video was successfully downloaded yesterday morning but unfortunately I didn't save it (I had autosave switched off). Subsequent attempts to download the SAME video have failed, so it cannot be anything to with file size or type.
I take it you have not found a solution to my problem?
Dave Edney
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